Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

3 Whatsapp Tricks You Don't Know

Nowadays, Whatsapp is a part of our everyday life. This simple texting application makes SMS kind of out-dated. People don’t likely to send text through SMS anymore. Here are the Whatsapp tricks you might don’t know which can be really useful for your everyday texting life :D

1. See Who’s Read Your Message on Group

You post something important on group, really urgent, but no one replies. You might think they haven’t read your message yet. But, hey! Everybody’s read your message. They just don’t know what to reply. Here’s how you see who’s read your message.
How? Hold you message, click the “I” icon on the top of your screen.


It will show you the message info which are : “read by” and “delivered to”. Now you can see them not replying you.

2. Star the Message

It’s pretty much like bookmark the message. When you have important messages on group or from someone but you don’t those messages to be drown by your conversation, you can now easily bookmark it. So, you can read them later easily. Without scrolling up, searching through your conversation again.
How? Hold the message(s) you want to bookmark, tap on the “star” icon.

To see the starred messages again just tap on “more” icon on top right of your screen, click “starred messages”.

3. Settings Your Media Auto-save

“OH MY GOD! Why my phone credit is used up! Hell no! I’ve used so much internet data this week. What was I used it for?”. Have experience that kinda thing? Hands up!
You do have more than one group on Whatsapp. People post random pictures and videos sometimes. They do eat up so much your internet data. They are downloaded automatically. Want to control them? Here’s the answer of your prayers. Lol.
How? Click “more” icon, “settings”, “chat and calls”, “media auto-download”.
Here you can set things up.

Just choose what you wanna auto-download when you using mobile data, wifi, roaming.
Click on the “images”, “audio”, “videos” based on your preference. You also can not to tick all of the choices. Examples:

That’s it. Thanks for reading. Hope this is useful for you. I’ll post Whatsapp tricks more later. See you!